Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Broken but Strong

It's been an interesting journey thus far as a counselor-in-training. This summer was emotionally intense in a way I could never have anticipated - yes, I said, "emotionally intense." I cried a couple times [*cough* - what?] I took an individual counseling skills class plus a group counseling class, in which we the students, also doubled as clients/group members. This means that instead of role-playing different scenarios, we actually bring in real issues from our lives, to give us real material to work with, that we might encounter in a real therapy session. Are you noticing the trend here? Basically, things got REALLY REAL, with anxiety, tears, and fears flying everywhere because life provokes those feelings sometimes. In swimming through all those stories and related emotions, it is easy to feel sad, depressed, angry, etc., which I felt at times, but ultimately I came out on the other side marveling at the strength of the human spirit. 

We currently live in a society, in the US especially, that seems to be doing everything it can to not feel. It is as if we are on a mission to rid ourselves of any emotion in what I'd like to call the "blind pursuit of happiness," which seems to mean a life devoid of any other emotions. If you are down take an upper, if you are up take a downer, if you can't get it up take Viagra, if your kid won't simmer down give him/her Ritalin, and all for what? This is not to rail against medication, because it does serve a purpose when used properly, but we live in a pill-popping, instant-fix, on-demand society where your emotional and other troubles are a doctor's prescription away from resolution. What ever happened to going through stuff and coming out on the other side a stronger, better, faster you? 

Through this process of becoming a "counselor," I have learned a lot about myself, one thing being that I intellectualize my emotions. I reason them away, which probably means I have never really felt their full depth and intensity. This A-i-T is supposed to have his business together and appear cool, calm, and collected at all times. A-i-T's cracks could not show, and that took more work than I ever realized. Any of you ever been there? All that stress and pressure on myself to keep it together, really only resulted in more stress and pressure. I had spent so much time trying not to feel, that I forgot how necessary it is to just feel sometimes. Society tells us that we are weak when we cry - whether you are a man or a woman - yet through recent experiences, I learned the opposite to be true: Sometimes we are the strongest when we are able to cry...when we are able to sit through and deal with our emotions directly.

In A-i-T's humble opinion, in our self-medicating society, alcohol, pill-popping, sex, and other pursuits are mere distractions, with temporary results at best. Facing our emotions, now that's the real challenge. Life can be as hard as it is beautiful, and many of us are facing/will face health issues, death in our families, financial difficulties, heartbreak, etc. Yet, somehow, we manage to keep on going. In my program, I am surrounded by individuals who are going through stuff, and yet they manage to work, maintain relationships, family obligations, balancing their personal life with the demanding life of master's level work, all in the pursuit of becoming a "wounded healer" (credit to Maria for that term).

My ethics professor said it best, "If you don't think you have any issues, that's your issue!"  

What I am seeing, through my classmates, friends, and even in my own life, is that though we are all broken in some way, we are still strong. This may sound biblical to some, and I am not shy to say that's part of my worldview, but it's also just keeping it true. We are all much stronger than we think we are, we just need to give ourselves permission to be broken, and to cry a little if/when necessary... 

Fellow Adults-in-Training, in what areas of your life do you feel broken but strong? When was the last time you allowed yourself a good cry? 



Kevin said...

Love it. And what a summer, indeed. I wish I could talk about it all as well as you do. Don't stop writing!

Wale said...

Great insights. Keep 'em coming!

Adult-In-Training said...

@Kevin: thanks for the love bro...will keep on writing...have a bunch of "blog starter" ideas sitting in my blackberry. will knock 'em out one by one!
@Wale: thanks for the encouragement brother...much appreciated!

Zach said...

good stuff nii. glad to see the a-i-t back in full force.

Adult-In-Training said...

@Zach: thanks for the note bro, much appreciated and thanks for reading my words!

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Anonymous said...

Wish you could get through to the masses.... Need it bad