Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A-i-T's Letter to His Unborn Daughter

To Zoë...
I loved you even before you were a reality
Your mother is the only other thing in this world as important to me
Know that you are a gift to us from God, and we are so blessed to have you
He is your Heavenly Father and I am him on earth
I will do everything in my power to protect you and your mother and will not allow a single hair on your heads to be harmed
I will let you know that you are loved everyday and that I will be there for you always
You will be daddy's little girl, and I can already feel myself melting when you look into my eyes
Know that the only other person in the world who can also do this to me is your mother
You will be my pride and my joy and I will celebrate you as I celebrate your mother
I will show you what a good husband and father is, so that when it comes time, you will find one for yourself and accept no substitutes
I will teach you that you are valuable because you are God's child, and you are loved and redeemed from day one, and no one should tell you differently
You will learn that you are capable of anything you set your mind and your heart to, and if you do all things prayerfully and for the glory of God, you shall be greatly blessed
I will always be proud of you and I will always be your biggest fan
I loved you Zoë, even before you were a reality...

By A-i-T
*P.S.: My wife and I are NOT expecting. I wrote this a while ago after seeing a movie, which resulted in a conversation about the incredible importance of fathers in girls' lives. I felt it would be a nice follow-up to my last post. I will definitely let y'all know when I'm about to become a father (5-year plan don't fail me now!)*


Anonymous said...

I hope you dont end up with all sons when you actually have kids...or they'll be pretty jealous and hurt..lol

Adult-In-Training said...

Boys are simpler...they don't need all that much attention. My son will be well taken care of, however. Step 1, he will never see this letter ;-p