Thursday, August 20, 2009

Advice Needed: A-i-T is Going Back to School

I’m starting grad school in a couple of weeks, and my mind is racing as are my emotions. It’s been a full four years since I last sat in a classroom, wrote a research paper, or studied for an exam. Since leaving that focused environment, I feel slightly more than rusty in those areas, and find myself excited as well as anxious about being back in the trappings of academia. Raise your hand with me if you feel a little less smart (in certain ways) now than you did in college…? I know I do… (especially after reading some of my old essays!)

Grad school was always something I was working toward in the near future, but now that it’s finally here, part of me is still in disbelief. This is my first tangible step toward leaving behind jobs, albeit good ones, and embarking on a career in the field that I feel is my calling. I will be pursing a master's degree in Counseling Psychology, with hopes of ultimately becoming a therapist in private practice. This is one of those big life steps that can make you feel equal parts ecstatic and queasy.

“Am I ready and can I really do this?” “Am I as smart/hard working as the other people in the program?” “Do I remember how to skim for content?” “APA format, what’s that?” “How do I make it sound like I did the reading assignment?” “Who’s Cliff again?” “How do I get a good job so I can pay off this debt?” These are just some of the questions swirling in my mind.

I comfort myself with the fact that I am blessed having already been accepted – that’s at least 50% of the battle right? Now comes the fun part…! (a small hint of sarcasm on that)

Aside from the academic concerns, my thoughts also turn towards lifestyle changes ("wait, there's no paycheck!?!?"). I recently got married and am still adjusting to my newly acquired role as a husband. Working a 9 to 5 job allows you to leave your work @ work (which is lovely). Being back in school, I'll have to reacquaint myself with the concept of "homework" and the fact that there is always something you could/should be doing. How will I balance being attentive to my wife during those precious evening hours, while making sure to deal with the copious amounts of reading and writing I will inevitably have to do? It's enough to make a young A-i-T's head spin...

So I turn to you, my fellow Adults-in-Training: What advice can you offer me and anyone else getting ready to go back to school? How does one adjust to being back in academia? How does one juggle this new form of work/life balance? What are the most important issues to address to make this thing work?

This is a big step, so I want to make sure we do it right! Thank you in advance for your input for me and anyone else who is in the same shoes!!!

Peace & Love,



Rachel said...

So proud of you, Nii! I'm looking to go back too, and getting in really is a good part of the battle. It's a strange feeling when you've been away from education for a few years - and really, I feel the same way, like every day that passes, a bit more of my school "smarts" slip down the drain. Even from studying for the GREs, I can assure you that it'll all come flooding back. Life's all about those adjustment periods. Wait until you start taking classes about the things you love and the passions you're going to pursue. You'll find lots of time for Nana too, if I have faith in anyone, it's you, kid :)
Keep me posted! I might be emailing you soon with some application questions. HUGS, Rae

Adult-In-Training said...

Thanks for the faith and love Rae! I'm sure that once immersed back in school, it will all come's just the run up that's got me a little wound-up ;-)
I will mos def keep you posted, and please do get in touch with me about the application process and so on. Good luck on the GREs!
Much love, Nii Ato

Nana said...

Suggestion for school/wife balance? Make dates with your wife even if its a date just to watch a dvd at home with popcorn.

Adult-In-Training said...

@Nana, yes, you are right Nana, making dates will be big! We already have Fridays set aside as date night, but perhaps we should add a couple more here and there...even if just for simple stuff!