Friday, August 14, 2009

Helping Out at Home...(It's Up to YOU!)

“It’s up to you. If your generation doesn’t fix Ghana, then it will not happen…” ~My Mom

As some of you may know, I am from the great nation of Ghana. Independent since 1957, we were the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to declare independence from colonial power (the Brits). Fifty-two years later, Ghana was also the first country that President Obama visited in Africa as we are one of the few blessed to have a solid record of peace, stability, and democracy. We have come a long way in our free history, but there are yet many miles to go in our journey of “development” (a tricky piece of jargon).

My mom made the above statement to me when I was a senior in high school (yo, the woman does not play!) and it has stuck with me since. Though some who know my history would consider me more of a New Yorker than anything; I declare that, my heart, my home is Ghana.

I’m back now for the first time in five years (a little older and wiser), and it’s evident that the visible progress (new roads, construction, etc.) is merely a façade obscuring the major issues beneath. The question is; what can I do? A seemingly impossible question, but many complex problems often have strikingly simple solutions…

Growing up, I had chores, and it was expected of me to help around the house. If your home is dirty, you clean it up. You simply cannot expect anyone else to do it for you. If you are good at sweeping, you sweep. If washing dishes is your thing, you go hard and do it well. If a family unit works together, each playing to their strengths, there are few issues that they cannot solve. Can’t similar principles be applied to community and nation-building?

Note: I am not forgetting issues like slavery; colonialism + neo; brain-drain; capitalism --> you must first have it to play the game; and strings attached development aid. They are part of a much deeper discussion we can have face-to-face :-)

Now, we all have a place that we call “home,” but I’m using the term in both specific and broad terms. Home could be anything from the country and/or city you grew up in, down to the walkable 1 mile radius where you currently reside. The issue remains the same; as we Adults-in-Training continue to grow into our future selves, complete with careers (not jobs), families and real grown-folk responsibilities, how are we going to use our work and/or volunteering to positively impact the ‘X’ on the map that we call home?

We are part of a generation arguably at the peak of human innovation and progress. Yet we are burdened with a global financial crisis, environmental, political and humanitarian issues that were unheard of just a generation ago. We are just getting to the age where we can truly make a difference, and if we get things moving on the right track, the future is indeed bright. No matter where or how big your home is, there are always things to be done…

Adults-in-Training, our collective homes are dirty, how are we going to use our strengths to help clean up? It’s up to YOU! If you don’t fix it, then it will not happen…

“Now go out there and be somebody!” ~Dave Chappelle

Public Service Announcement: Please do not use the term “third world country.” Simply put, “third world” by whose standards? There is only one world - it’s called Earth - and we all live in it. Thanks.


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