Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Do Online Social Networks Give Us The Illusion of Staying in Touch? PART 2

Life is so funny sometimes...I found this image checking out this website, for the first time today. Scrolling down the page, lo and behold, I find what would have been the perfect illustration for my July 26th Post: Do Online Social Networks Give Us The Illusion of Staying in Touch? (Click link to read for the first time or refresh your memory)

If talking is the highest form of intimacy, and following twitter updates is the lowest, this illustration lends some credence to my previous post about how we are communicating with one another these days. I am curious to know which forms of communication are preferred vs. most often used, among the readers of my humble blog.

Adults-In-Training, what did you think about the above illustration? In our “instant everything,” “I want it yesterday culture,” I feel like a lot of our communication these days takes place between levels 1 through 5 of intimacy. We still use levels 6 through 10 but seemingly less often. What say you? (I’m not the Gallup Poll, but check out a couple of poll questions on the side bar…)



Natalie said...

I feel like I text and email my friends all the time. In college it was easier to see each other and meet up for a meal or coffee b/c we all lived near each other on campus. Now that we are in the "real world," it's harder to stay in touch with friends since we all moved to different cities-hence the emails or the facebook messages. With my friends who live in NYC we stay in touch more via text or a phone call and make it a point to meet each other weekely. But I def feel closer to my friends whom I often see, thus affirming for me that face-to-face communication is the best way I keep in touch or prefer to keep in touch.

Adult-In-Training said...

@ Natalie: College was definitely a bubble and seeing your friends was just a matter of walking to another dorm. I agree that the "real world" has definitely had an effect on how well and how often, and how I communicate. I'm trying to up my use of the phone for those it's geographically not possible to see immediately. For those in NYC...I gotta ramp up on the face's so easy to get stuck in your own world and rely on facebook etc. to see what your crew is up to.

Seyi said...

It's hard in New York to be in touch, especially considering the commute to your friend's place or the weather. But it's worth it, before I moved I made a point to buy a $5 bottle of Moscato every Saturday and invite folks over to chill. In the short amount of time that me and my friends hung out, somehow I regained mental sanity. Seriously, face time is important. It's important to laugh, cry and express real emotion.

Facebook gives the illusion of being in touch but what is important is the follow up. Calling if you learn someone lost a loved one or had an accident. But let's be honest you can't be constant touch with all 540 of your FB friends.

This article is particularly interesting too:

Shelby S. said...

I definitely think that it gives us the illusion that we are saying in touch, but I will say one thing for me there is nothing like sitting down over a hot cup of joe or something delicious and talking face to face, esp. with someone that you are close to. But as for times you want to say what's up or want to avoid a long convo at all cost, social media is the way to go!!!

Adult-In-Training said...

@Seyi: I think people give NYC too much credit in terms of "making it hard" to see friends. I definitely know what you mean -- but I think the critical thing for all of us is MAKING IT HAPPEN. The city is very walkable and has excellent public transportation. No one has to drive 15mins to an hour to go see peeps. Your $5 Moscato Saturdays were a brilliant solution!
You also make a great point about follow up. I agree that you can't be in constant touch with all 504 of your FB friends, but I think the illusion also makes you feel like you are in touch with your close friends as well.
Thanks for the article, I'll check it out...

@Shelby: face-to-face meetings + food or drink are mos def the best way to go. FB is great for quick check-ins and brief exchanges for sure!