Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hitting the Refresh Button in Your Life…

New York is a hustle, from the moment you step out of your door in the AM, till the moment you return home in varying states of haggardness, in the PM. Aside from those priceless, “only in NYC moments” that seem to make living in the city totally worth it, we are on the grind daily. In most major urban cities, we the inhabitants know only one speed, and that’s “Go!” If we do have a second gear it’s likely to be “Crash,” because even on the weekends we “Go Hard” -- some a little harder than others ;-)
New Yorkers, especially, will claim to be the busiest people on earth -– in both their professional and even their personal lives. It’s gotten to the point where being busy is no longer a transient occurrence, but rather a state of being. When you get caught up in all the things going on around you, when do you have time for YOU?

This is an issue I’ve been struggling with. I love to DJ, play soccer, work out, read, etc. These are things that I’m supposedly passionate about, yet they seem to fall by the wayside – and somehow I still manage to watch 3-4 hours of TV most nights…What’s wrong with this picture? (No pun intended)

I played a great game of pick up soccer a few weeks ago and it felt absolutely amazing! This is a sport that I have loved since age 6, and the mere mention of the game brings nothing but happy thoughts. If we fail to do the things in life that we love, then aren’t we failing ourselves to some extent?
I hear the phrase, “I haven’t [fill in the blank: hobby/interest/passion] in so long…” way too often from myself and others. Aside from the building of your mind, body, and your skills that take place when you are pursuing a passion – you are also giving yourself time to REGENERATE/REFRESH.

The regenerated you functions at 100% in all areas of your life – from your work to your relationships (especially your relationships – ‘cos we’ve all worked on auto-pilot). When you are functioning at full capacity you can handle just about anything, and be the best you. You can be on point at work and physically/emotionally available to your significant other when together. How you hit the refresh button is up to you, but the goal should be to push the button at least once a week. Whether it’s taking in a movie by yourself (like my wife), or making sure to get in that pick-up game at your local basketball court – I encourage all of you to get back to doing what you love.

Adults-in-Training, what do you do to regenerate yourself/hit the refresh button on your life? What are some of your passions that you’ve put up on the shelf (for whatever reason) that you need to take down and dust off?

Adults-in-Training, I challenge you to pick up an old hobby/interest that you just haven’t been able to “find time” for. Make the time for it this weekend, and do it. See if it doesn’t make you super happy!



Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this Nii ~~ Something I've been working hard at is achieving balance in my life. My 'refresh' button is usually a really good workout [or a week full of them] and cooking a great meal or baking for myself, with leftovers! Those are the two things that really, if I can find time for in a week, make bring me back to myself, being my best self.
Thanks for starting this conversation! I'm going to start reading your blog!

Adult-In-Training said...

Hey, good to hear from you Aletha! Glad you found this post beneficial. I'm definitely a work out person too, great way to relieve stress and clear your mind. I'm a decent cook, but that's definitely not how I unwind. I hope you cook for yourself this weekend, I'm sure you can MAKE time for it...that's the operative here...
I'm happy to year you are going to follow my blog...! Thanks for the love!

Unknown said...

@ Aletha baking is my thing too! even though i haven't done it in a while - this A-i-T needs some major regeneration. You know it's bad when your body is telling you in different ways that you're stressed

Natalie said...

Thanks Ni! I have been thinking for ages about picking up two hobbies: guitar and photography. Life in the city, I thought, would allow me to find guitar and photography classes and that I would be able to attend these after work or on weekends. I just got too busy with work or social commitments and never got around to them. I promise I will pick up one of these soon :)

Adult-In-Training said...

@Natalie -- life in NYC can definitely get you busy in a hurry, but that's why we all need to MAKE time. If you set your mind to picking up those hobbies, what's gonna stop you? Make a plan and stick to it...and you'll be playing guitar or taking amazing photos in no time!

Erika said...

Hey Nii! love the new blog. As somewhat of a New York newbie, I have definitely been trying to work the refresh button on overdrive just because the city becomes overwhelming VERY quickly when you're still playing on Cali pace. I love traveling... and because of lack of funds and such I have often been discouraged when in fact, it's all about a change of perspective and a press of the refresh button! $15 gets me on a bus to a whole nother city in no time! I realized that New York is a place for traveling on a budget! =)

Adult-In-Training said...

@Erika: what up? glad you like the blog! New York can definitely be a little much, especially when coming from the left coast or anywhere that's not NYC. Hittin your refresh button is gonna be critical so the city doesn't overwhelm you. My wife recently went to Governor's island and loved it, so it's a nice escape for the price of a ferry ticket @ South Ferry. Good looks on the $15 china-town bus to anywhere on the east coast...a great way to travel on a budget. Shoot, even visiting different neighborhoods in the 5 boroughs can be like travelling to another make the most of the NYC experience if that's how you recharge!